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refund policy

You can request a return for a refund or exchange within 14 days from the arrival of the products to you. After the return request is accepted, you have 14 more days to ship the products back to us and send proof of shipping (receipt photo, or tracking number).


After the returned product is received by us it will be inspected, you will be notified via email of the approval or rejection of you refund.

If the product is in a condition the we deem acceptable you will receive a full refund. On the other hand if the product shows signs of damage done by incorrect use the customer is responsible for any loss in value.

Should you elegible for a refund this will be processed trough the original form of payment. If the refund doens't arrive in 14 days please contact us directly.


Items that have factory defects can be exchanged at no cost for the customer.

If you wish to replace a product for another one beware that the returned product must be in good  condition and in the original packging. 

Return Shipping Cost

If the product has factory defects the return shipping cost will be coverd by us, otherwise this cost is at the reponsability of the customer.

Return Adress

The return adress will be provided after you request for a return is approved. 

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